Please help me urgent!!!

One such from the NewLC forums:

Please tell me everything about C++, I want to learn it. Is it similar to Basic?

Also please to tell me how to program in Symbian. I want to know it everything. I am is already knowing Cobol.

I have to write program to solve world hunger and global conflict, But How do I begin? I start to write it but it doesn’t work, what is wrong with it? Please to write it for me and post the files here when you are finished.

Also what does it mean?:

PART[01000001].APP’ has uninitialised data.make[1]:”

how to automatically launch program at boot up. My boss give me boot up arse, how to make program launch when this happen?

Explain to me what is leave? My wife leave me yesterday, is it similar concept in Symbian? I didn’t trap her, should I? What is this leave I read in SYmbian?

Awaiting your response.

Help! Descriptors!!

Probably the number one question on the mind of any new Symbian OS developer (and some seasoned ones too!) is descriptors, why, how, where, which one… the list continues. So here’s list of definitive resources on descriptors on the way, which IMO should answer all your questions. Finally, there’s my rules of thumb on using descriptors, which you can find at the end of the article. Continue reading

Weirdest P990i review ever?

Just came across this P990i review at BengalBoy. Reviewed by a dude called BengalBoy who also claims to be the a “Bleeding Edge P.I.M.P.”. Has to be the weirdest P990i review ever, in fact, for that matter, it’s the weirdest review I’ve ever seen for a cell phone. Despite the somewhat dubious nature of the review, its strikingly impeccable. Definitely worth a read.

Warning, a bit NSFW… 😉

First Look: Carbide.c++ for Symbian/S60/S80/UIQ Development

Recently, Nokia released Carbide.c++ and Carbide.j, the first versions of the new generation of IDEs for Symbian OS development based on the open Eclipse platform. This is good news indeed, as Eclipse seems to be the only viable challenger (albeit still some way to go to become a real challenger, at least in the C++ department anyway, see below) to the Visual Studio family of products. Continue reading

Goto my Yahoo! inbox

What’s that? A new fad or something like that? Err… no, just a humble FireFox extension I wrote as an exercise in writing FireFox extensions. What does it do you ask? Well, it basically skips the welcome page and takes you directly to your inbox, once you’ve logged in to your Yahoo! web mail account. Yahoo! Has a nasty habit of sticking in heavy duty flash ads right in the welcome page, making it most unwelcome, specially when you are stuck with “fraudband”, e.g. broadband so slow, its like dialup. Continue reading

Difference Between Send & Write, Recv & Read

I’ve seen this a few times and asked too, what’s the difference between Send & Write, Recv & Read in the RSocket API. The answer is, very simple: Both Write and Read are just wrappers over Send and Recv, providing a default value (0), for the flags parameter (the flags can specity options like reading out of band data or peeking into the available socket buffer. The default value just reads, nothing special).

IMPORT_C void Write(const TDesC8 &aDesc, TRequestStatus &aStatus);
IMPORT_C void Send(const TDesC8 &aDesc, TUint flags, TRequestStatus &aStatus);

IMPORT_C void Read(TDes8 &aDesc, TRequestStatus &aStatus);
IMPORT_C void Recv(TDes8 &aDesc, TUint flags, TRequestStatus &aStatus);

The reason its like this is probably because of the BSD Socket APIs, which have analogous functions and is for maintaining compatibility I think. It should be noted that Microsoft skipped Read/Write in Winsock, for this reason I guess.

Free Web Hosting, Never, Ever Again

This is a story of greed, grief and stupidity. And yes, the story is all mine. It all started with the usual story, a quest to save a few dollars. Obviously, the Internet can be a pretty good place for that, so good that you stumble upon the holy grail of savings, totally free services. Yep I know, you must be saying already Heh! What a looser. Trust me, its one of those very obvious pitfalls that you know will obviously end up in tragedy and you still go ahead (obviously!) knowing the obvious. Continue reading